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"At Freedom PWR, we understand the value of personalized service, taking the time to get to know you and your company, so that we may tailor plans for your maximum savings.  Our relationships with the suppliers, coupled with our custom designed technology, allow us to best manage your energy needs. Freedom is your Power to Choose."

We offer a range of services for both residential and commercial clients thru all the deregulated state markets, for both electricity and natural gas.

We understand that each client is unique and begin our services with an energy bill evaluation and contract evaluation.  Using an experienced broker like Freedom PWR gives you the peace of mind that comes from having industry professionals representing you and your best interests 1st.

There is no upfront cost for our services as consultants & we put our money where our mouth is.  Only when you are satisfied with the options and directions we present, we move forward with contracting & we are compensated by the supplier.  Often times we are asked if we are adding fees on top of what you could get on your own?  This is not the case.  There is always a "salesperson / account manager" attached to your account if you contact directly.  This person is directly employed by the electric company and ultimately best interests are to the employer.  By using Freedom PWR, you replace the electric company's account manager.  Our loyalty is to you and we do not get paid unless you are satisfied.  On top of this, we handle your accounts and communications with supplier, monitor your account/s thru the contract term, as well as changing market conditions for opportunities of contract renegotiation.

Relationships & Trust are the foundation that Freedom PWR is built upon.  Why choose a broker vs calling a supplier direct?  Keeping up with all the suppliers, changing contract language, & confusing pricing plans can be a daunting task that takes up much of your valuable time & you never really know if you are leaving money on the table.  Changing commodity markets and regulations affect pricing on a regular basis.  Freedom PWR wants you to have the time to devout to your business and family, & the peace of mind that you are being well taken care of.

Copyright © Freedom PWR. All Rights Reserved.

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